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Showing 2017–2028 of 2324 results

Pack of 20 magnetic studs for your bag making.

To install:

1. Mark a dot on the spot of the required installation.

2. Take the washer from the magnetic snap and place in the centre of the dot.

3. Make two marks in the slits on the side of the washer. This is where the holes will need to be cut.

4. Make 2 buttonholes around these lines and slit the holes open with a seam ripper.

5. Place the prings through the holes. Place the washer over the prongs.

6. Bend the prongs towards the middle of the magnet using something firm.

7. Repeat with opposide side of magnetic snap.

Pack of 20 magnetic studs for your bag making.

To install:

1. Mark a dot on the spot of the required installation.

2. Take the washer from the magnetic snap and place in the centre of the dot.

3. Make two marks in the slits on the side of the washer. This is where the holes will need to be cut.

4. Make 2 buttonholes around these lines and slit the holes open with a seam ripper.

5. Place the prings through the holes. Place the washer over the prongs.

6. Bend the prongs towards the middle of the magnet using something firm.

7. Repeat with opposide side of magnetic snap.

To install:

1. Mark a dot on the spot of the required installation.

2. Take the washer from the magnetic snap and place in the centre of the dot.

3. Make two marks in the slits on the side of the washer. This is where the holes will need to be cut.

4. Make 2 buttonholes around these lines and slit the holes open with a seam ripper.

5. Place the prings through the holes. Place the washer over the prongs.

6. Bend the prongs towards the middle of the magnet using something firm.

7. Repeat with opposide side of magnetic snap.

This Hemline storage box is ideal for keeping your supplies together. Great for all hobbies, not just sewing.

Useful for making and cutting (in conjunction with a rotary cutter) blocks for many size quilts and patchwork projects.

45 and  60 lines which makes them a perfect tool for marking mitre corners and triangles or cutting bias strips.

Use for these squares when sewing Home Decor items.


The Most Popular And Readily Used Triangle For Patchwork. The perfect ruler for cutting outside triangles for blocks. Essential for designs where the blocks are set on-point. Use also to cut quarter square triangles. Easy to use and very accurate.

Predominantly Used In 6 Point Star Designs – 1/8″ Lines Enables The Creation Of Any Size Triangle And Accurate Templates

Predominantly Used In 6 Point Star Designs – 1/8″ Lines Enables The Creation Of Any Size Triangle And Accurate Templates

Mostly Used For 8 Point Star Designs And Patterns Using Diamond Or Half Diamond Templates. The 1/8″ Markings Allow For The Creation Of Graduated Sizes, And Accurate Cutting/Marking

Extra small square for marking and rotary cutting blocks for miniature quilts and small patchwork projects. 

Use this small size square for marking and rotary cutting blocks for small wall hangings. Sampler quilts and other small gifts, home decor and craft projects. 

Medium size ruler for cutting squares up to 12-1/2in. Ideal for squaring up blocks. Perfect for cutting half-squares and quarter-square triangles. Suitable for both left and right hand use. Very useful for home sewing.