Birch plastic cord ends
For a tidy finish on cord ends
Birch plastic cord ends
For a tidy finish on cord ends
Straw needles are used mainly for hand applique, hand piecing and basting as they have a narrow shank that glides easily through several layers of fabric. Since the eye of the needle is punched within the existing shank, it does not hesitate at the eye when pulled through fabric. The smaller the needle size, the larger the size eye.
$2.15Add to cart
Quality Klasse scissors now is friendly plastic-free packaging. Colour coded ranges make for an eye-catching shelf presence.
Very Handy Size – Soft Finish Purse.
Contents of each Sewing Kit Includes : Scissors, Fasteners, Needle Compact, Threads, Needle Threader, Pins, Seam Ripper and more – Some kit types may differ slightly.